Resultado da pesquisa (2)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Oliveira A.M.

#1 - Body condition, external morphology, parasitology, and histological and biometrical study of the gastrointestinal tract of Sporophila nigricollis and Sporophila caerulescens seized from trafficking in Northeastern Brazil

Abstract in English:

The objective was to analyze Sporophila nigricollis and Sporophila caerulescens in terms of body conditions, parasitological, bacteriological, external biometric measurements, and histological analysis of the gastrointestinal tract. We used 115 individuals apprehended from 2020 to 2021 and sent to the Wild Animal Triage Center, Paraíba, Brazil. Concerning weight, S. nigricollis, females and males presented 9.36±1.36g and 9.70±1.39g, and S. caerulescens with 10.5±0.70g and 11.75±1.28g, being the second heaviest. The body condition in 69.62% of S. nigricollis and 62.50% of S. caerulescens was good. In the fecal microbiological examination, 40.25% of S. nigricollis and 40% of S. caerulescens were positive for Isospora sp. Dispharynx sp. was reported for the first time in S. nigricollis and S. caerulescens. In fecal bacteriology, 95.65% of S. nigricollis were identified with Gram-positive cocci and 73.91% with Gram-positive bacilli. Forty-one animals died and were placed under refrigeration for 48 hours; of these, 31.16% of S. nigricollis and 37.50% of S. caerulescens presented inadequate body conditions. 19.51% had gastrointestinal tract engorgement with hemorrhagic points, and 14.63% had hepatic alteration due to yellowish coloration. The study contributes with subsidies for the taxonomic elucidation of the genus Sporophila, in addition to the knowledge of the conditions in which birds are found in sorting centers, once the destination of most of the seized animals is the release, thus, a potential source of pathogens to the natural environment.

Abstract in Portuguese:

O objetivo foi analisar Sporophila nigricollis e Sporophila caerulescens quanto às condições corporais, parasitológicas, bacteriológicas, medidas biométricas externas e análise histológica do trato gastrointestinal. Foram utilizados 115 indivíduos apreendidos entre 2020 e 2021 e encaminhados ao Centro de Triagem de Animais Silvestres, Paraíba, Brasil. Quanto ao peso, S. nigricollis, fêmeas e machos apresentaram, 9,36±1,36g e 9,70±1,39g, e S. caerulescens com 10,5±0,70g e 11,75±1,28g, sendo o segundo mais pesado. A condição corporal em 69,62% de S. nigricollis e 62,50% de S. caerulescens foi boa. No exame microbiológico fecal, 40,25% de S. nigricollis e 40% de S. caerulescens foram positivos para Isospora sp. Dispharynx sp. foi relatada pela primeira vez em S. nigricollis e S. caerulescens. Na bacteriologia fecal, 95,65% dos S. nigricollis foram identificados com cocos Gram-positivos e 73,91% com bacilos Gram-positivos. Quarenta e um animais morreram e foram colocados sob refrigeração por 48 horas; destes, 31,16% de S. nigricollis e 37,50% de S. caerulescens apresentaram condições corporais inadequadas. 19,51% apresentaram ingurgitamento do trato gastrointestinal com pontos hemorrágicos e 14,63% alteração hepática devido à coloração amarelada. O estudo contribui com subsídios para a elucidação taxonômica do gênero Sporophila, além do conhecimento das condições em que as aves se encontram nos centros de triagem, uma vez que a maior parte dos animais apreendidos tem como destino a soltura, sendo assim, uma potencial fonte de patógenos para o ambiente natural.

#2 - Ocular and oral lesions caused by Tacinga inamoena in sheep and goats in Northeast Brazil

Abstract in English:

Two outbreaks of traumatic injuries in goats and sheep associated with grazing and ingestion of the cactus Tacinga inamoena have recently been reported in the state of Paraíba, Brazil. In the first of these, which was detected in 2019 during a preliminary inspection of a herd of 70 animals, it was found that 15 showed certain ocular complications, and these animals were subjected to general physical and ophthalmic examinations. The clinical findings included excessive lacrimation, blepharitis, photophobia, corneal opacity, hyphema, corneal neovascularization, corneal ulcers, and adherence of gloquids to the bulbar conjunctiva and cornea. Large amounts of T. inamoena were found to be present in several areas in which these animals had been grazed and had been observed consuming the fruits of this plant. In the second outbreak during the following year, two sheep from a total of 100 animals were identified as having oral lesions associated with grazing in areas within which T. inamoena was growing. One of these animals was referred to a veterinary hospital, and on physical examination was found to show apathy, anorexia, a body score of 1.5, and the presence of gloquids within the fur. With respect to the oral cavity, halitosis, severe sialorrhea, extensive hemorrhagic ulcers, and painful tenderness on palpation were detected. Given the unfavorable prognosis, the sheep was subsequently euthanized. At necropsy, multifocal to coalescent plaques were detected on the upper and lower lips, oral mucosa, tongue, and hard and soft palates. These were generally elevated and firm and characterized by an irregular, ulcerated surface, sometimes crusty, with a yellow to light brown center and erythematous edges. The findings of this study highlight that the consumption of T. inamoena can cause serious oral and ophthalmic lesions in small ruminants in the northeastern semi-arid regions of Brazil, and can potentially contribute to substantial large economic losses. This problem tends to be exacerbated by the invasive behavior of T. Inamoena, particularly in areas in the process of environmental degradation.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Relatam-se dois surtos de lesões traumáticas associadas ao pastejo e ingestão da Tacinga inamoena por caprinos e ovinos no estado da Paraíba, Brasil. No primeiro surto observou-se durante uma inspeção preliminar do rebanho que 15 dos 70 animais apresentavam alterações oculares, os animais foram submetidos ao exame físico geral e ao exame oftálmico. Lacrimejamento excessivo, blefarite, fotofobia, opacidade de córnea, hifema, neovascularização corneana, úlceras de córnea e gloquídeos aderidos à conjuntiva bulbar e córnea foram os achados clínicos identificados. A planta estava presente em diversas áreas e em grande quantidade nas áreas de pastejo, onde os animais eram vistos ingerindo seus frutos. No segundo surto, dois ovinos de um total de 100 animais, foram identificados com lesões orais associadas ao pastejo em áreas da planta. Um deles foi encaminhado ao Hospital Veterinário. No exame físico, o animal apresentou apatia, anorexia, escore corporal 1,5, pelos opacos, eriçados e no pelame era possível identificar gloquídeos. Na cavidade oral observou-se halitose, sialorreia intensa, extensas úlceras hemorrágicas e sensibilidade dolorosa à palpação. Devido ao prognóstico desfavorável o animal foi eutanasiado. Na necropsia, placas multifocais a coalescentes, elevadas, firmes e com superfície irregular, ulcerada, por vezes crostosas, com centro amarelo a marrom-claro e bordos eritematosos, estavam presentes nos lábios superiores, inferiores, mucosa oral, língua, palatos duro e mole. T. inamoena causa sérias lesões orais e oftálmicas em pequenos ruminantes no semiárido nordestino e prejuízos econômicos de grandes dimensões, que podem ser agravados pelo comportamento invasor da T. inamoena em áreas com indícios de degradação ambiental.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV